GVT 60's Nitrate Celluloid Pre Cbs for Jaguar ® Intense mint

190,90 €
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- Vintage guard true nitrate for Fender JG ! Superb Vintage upgrade for you Custom Color model !

Our protectors are made of original pure celluloid Nitrate according to our incl. True wide bevel protectors with a thicker black interlayer. Real greenish celluloid protectors (the only protectors available worldwide for the
amamtes of vintage guitars built in the United States of America in the decade of the 50s and 60s.

The Greenguards are close to the old Fender Vintage Greenguards and not as green as most aftermarket replacement guards. Our protectors also have different deep and correct countersunk holes for a perfect fit of the screws, but keep in mind the following "the authentic celluloid material nitrate like our protectors may vary slightly somewhat normal when we see guitars from the 50s and 60s they can shrink If you are willing to understand that this is the most beautiful of all, you are in luck! Because it is the most authentic vintage to complete the look, Pre cbs nuances in your instrument.

This nitrate pickguard is made from real Nitrate / celluloid.